As you may, or may not, know, during the warmer months, on Saturday, we receive produce from what is left over from the farmer's market thru Farm to Family. This is amazing, very fresh, healthy produce that our Saturday people can enjoy during these warmer months. Today I found out that Farm to Family paid our local farmers $32,829.17 for the produce brought to us in 2024, that would have retailed for $65,658.34. How awesome is that! Thank you Farm to Family! ... See MoreSee Less

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4 CommentsComment on Facebook
That is awesome! Thank you!
Oh my goodness!! I thank you! We ate so much better than normal. THANK YOU!!💙💚
That's amazing. Thank u so much for sharing and caring
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4 CommentsComment on Facebook
lol slow down.
Open? Now?
Love Pantry 279❤️❤️❤️
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7 CommentsComment on Facebook
Do you  need egg cartons, and plastic bags? 
Appreciate everything you all do for our community. 🫶🏽
I'm very thankful for anything it's the thought that count Blessings to all
This past week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Kiwanis Club of Bloomington meeting and telling them about the pantry. Not only did I meet a fun and caring group of gentlemen, but had a delicious lunch too! The gave the pantry a much needed grant to purchase food, and I received this lovely coffee mug filled with candy. Thank you Kiwanis Club of Bloomington, not only for the grant, but for your kind hospitality!! ... See MoreSee Less

2 CommentsComment on Facebook
Thank you Kiwanis for the grant! 🤗
That's Nice
We need a couple of volunteer delivery drivers for tomorrow. Please call/text 812-325-3110 for more information! ... See MoreSee Less
3 CommentsComment on Facebook
Did you find drivers for today, Cindy?
Wish i had vehicle I would be more willing to help
If i didnt have family thing today id of come help... (just saw post long after due to fb)
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10 CommentsComment on Facebook
What is the reason for the boot, whatever happened?
You guys are great
I didn't know there were books. Yay next time we will be hitting them up. 🫶🏽
We got in an extra truck today from Hoosier Hills Food Bank! This is a wonderful bonus for our Sat. guests! This truck was unusually full and we will need help on Sat 10-2 to get everything gone thru and on shelves to serve our guests from 1-3 distribution times. If you or family/friends can spare a couple of hours to help please stop by after 10am this Sat Jan.25. Thank you! ... See MoreSee Less

5 CommentsComment on Facebook
I will be there till about 2
I already said I am coming 10-12
How do I contact someone at this pantry
Things we need badly.
Baby food and FORMULA!
We have a tiny bit of food but are completely out of formula, any kind is great.
Diapers size 4,5,6,7
Toilet Paper
If anyone can donate any of these things, that would be awesome!! Thank you!
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1 CommentComment on Facebook
I’ll bring y’all the 10 packages of baby cereal and few cans of baby food we didn’t use 🫶🏼
Yes, the rules do say if RBB is closed so are we, that being said, they are closed due to bus driver shortage, NOT weather. WE ARE OPEN 1:30 - 4 for seniors / Disables and 4-6 for all. ... See MoreSee Less

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Pantry family! Remember when I shared that post from H4H about an elderly volunteer of ours that needed help and was now homeless? Well, long story short, we are in a holding pattern, waiting on Medicaid to get her into Assisted living, its just a waiting game, in the mean time, we are feeding her but she needs a phone as hers was lost during all of the trauma. Does anyone know where to get one of those free government phones? I'm sure other people would like to know as well. ... See MoreSee Less

11 CommentsComment on Facebook
I think if you call the family services number they will get you to the right person
You can also go into FSSA to sign up for one and I think that’s preferred if there isn’t a good mailing address.
Assurance wireless, airtalk wireless