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What time are you guys open tomorrow thursday
I love these videos!😃
Is this behind Arby's?
Normally, this time of year, donations both food and money are way down. This year it is exceptionally bad and that combined with a huge rise in need (about and extra 200+ people per day), our food is running uncomfortably low. There are reasons for all of this, but we don't need to get into that as I'm sure you all know what is happening in the world and see the prices of food. What food we have, we have a lot of, like canned black beans, fruit cocktail, corn, potatoes, and dried plums and pasta. We need pretty much everything else, but today I am making a special request for soup and crackers, gatorade and 7 up. We all just got over Type A Flu and so many of our guests and their children are very sick with flu, covid, and other germs. We really need soup, crackers, garorade, and 7up. Pedialite for children and cold/flu medicine too. If you can, please consider donating. Thank you and I hope you all are staying well! ... See MoreSee Less

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We had the huge honor or going to Seven Oaks this morning, where they presented us with a check for $1606!! This, along with 239 lbs of food, was collected for us during the Battle of the Badges a week ago. The Ellettsville Police and Ellettsville Fire Department battled it out in a basketball game to raise the money and food. All had a great time, and we thank Seven Oaks, the fine Officers and Fire Fighters, and everyone who came and donated!! ... See MoreSee Less

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Sending a giant Thank you to the Reeves Club in Ellettsville for their generous donation we received in the mail today! During these uncertain and scary times, this is a beacon of hope! Our deepest appreciation. ... See MoreSee Less

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Thank you!
Photos from Sandra J Johnson-Sutter's post ... See MoreSee Less

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Is it still available
Oh my gosh! Yes! I do but I can’t get there in time 😩
I do but can't get there until tomorrow
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This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.0 CommentsComment on Facebook
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The one time I came in I had a panic attack because I got stuck in the produce section and people were congesting the area. I haven't been able to get myself to come again because I avoid places that give me panic attacks
Thank you soo much
Hello yall greatly appreciate yall 💓
You all have heard me say many times "Just because we are not at Pantry, doesn't mean we are not "at " Pantry." SO here is our late night Pantry adventure from last night! Yesterday, Christina got a call from the manager from Dollar General on the South side ( by the old Lucky's building ). Due to electrical issues, the building had to have power shut off that night to be rewired, and they were going to lose everything in their very full coolers! She asked if we could pick it up after they closed that night. Well of course!!! Christina, her daughter Layla, Traci and her 2 kids Cara and Caleb all met at DG at 9pm and loaded up a truck and an suv with TONS of cooler items! My daughter Kira and I met them at pantry and the bunch of us unloaded and put away all of these coolers full of wonderful food for our people! We finished around 11pm ish. HUGE thank you to Melissa and Dollar General South for turning what could have been a tragedy of waste into a success story, with helping to feed hundreds in our community! Thank you to my amazing staff for grabbing their families up and making this happen! ( Even though it was a school night )
Pantry, and helping others, is not just a job or a volunteer opportunity, IT IS A LIFESTYLE. The staff and volunteers at the pantry know this and live it everyday. Obviously Dollar General recognizes this too as they donate frequently, this time was just a ton, ( actually around 1600 pounds of food ) Also, without the HATCH cooler being donated, we would not be able to safely do this. So many small parts, working together, for the greater good of making sure people are fed. Love my Pantry Family!!
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Thank you to Pastor Rick, his wife Becky, and the generosity of the congregation of Mt Calvary Baptist Church for a pick up full of soup, crackers and drinks for when our guests are sick. Amazing!! ... See MoreSee Less

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Thank you Pastor Rick, Becky & everyone at the church!
This is wonderful! Thank you.❤️🙏
Thank you!