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1 day ago

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15 CommentsComment on Facebook

What's the address what's the located at

How can I get started?

Thank you for your new food is medicine program. Changing the body from within is critical to gaining health.

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6 days ago

Reminder!! Clothing and household items pantry is THURSDAY 11-4/ We have lots of great, very gently used and new clothing, shoes, toys, books, bedding, quilts, pillows, dishes, etc..... You may come once every 30 days and get a shopping cart full FREE. ( This is a stock picture, not us ) Please Share! ... See MoreSee Less

Reminder!!  Clothing and household items pantry is THURSDAY 11-4/  We have lots of great, very gently used and new clothing, shoes, toys, books, bedding, quilts, pillows, dishes, etc.....   You may come once every 30 days and get a shopping cart full FREE.  ( This is a stock picture, not us )  Please Share!
1 week ago

Ok Family, here's what's happening! I have heard from several people about the storm damage that they have had this past week. Houses, trailers, etc torn apart and household items needed. Thanks to YOU all, being so generous, we have a lot to give out on this coming Thursday Clothing/household items pantry! So we need HELP Wednesday night around 6pm until we can get it done. This will be help hanging clothing, putting out items on shelves, cleaning, getting ready for our biggest clothing pantry ever! If you can come help Wed evening around 6ish or a little later, please come! Also, we need 3-4 people who can help Thurs 11-4 with hanging clothing and helping our guests.
DONATIONS, while we have lots of wonderful clothing, we need things like new or gently used dishes, crockpots, towels, bedding, microwaves, stuff like that. PLEASE only donate good and CLEAN working items. We do not have the dumpster space to handle dirty and broken things, and our ladies go thru everything so closely to make sure our guests get quality nice items.
Thank you and see you Wed night!!
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Ok Family, heres whats happening!  I have heard from several people about the storm damage that they have had this past week.  Houses, trailers, etc torn apart and household items needed.  Thanks to YOU all, being so generous, we have a lot to give out on this coming Thursday Clothing/household items pantry!  So we need HELP Wednesday night around 6pm until we can get it done.  This will be help hanging clothing, putting out items on shelves, cleaning, getting ready for our biggest clothing pantry ever!  If you can come help Wed evening around 6ish or a little later, please come!  Also, we need 3-4 people who can help Thurs 11-4 with hanging clothing and helping our guests.
     DONATIONS, while we have lots of wonderful clothing, we need things like new or gently used dishes, crockpots, towels, bedding, microwaves,  stuff like that.  PLEASE only donate good and CLEAN working items.  We do not have the dumpster space to handle dirty and broken things, and our ladies go thru everything so closely to make sure our guests get quality nice items.
   Thank you and see you Wed night!!

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

Do you have an age minimum for volunteers?

I will be there Thursday and try to find a babysitter for Wednesday evening

Thank you

2 weeks ago

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6 CommentsComment on Facebook

What time are you guys open tomorrow thursday

I love these videos!😃

Is this behind Arby's?

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2 weeks ago

Normally, this time of year, donations both food and money are way down. This year it is exceptionally bad and that combined with a huge rise in need (about and extra 200+ people per day), our food is running uncomfortably low. There are reasons for all of this, but we don't need to get into that as I'm sure you all know what is happening in the world and see the prices of food. What food we have, we have a lot of, like canned black beans, fruit cocktail, corn, potatoes, and dried plums and pasta. We need pretty much everything else, but today I am making a special request for soup and crackers, gatorade and 7 up. We all just got over Type A Flu and so many of our guests and their children are very sick with flu, covid, and other germs. We really need soup, crackers, garorade, and 7up. Pedialite for children and cold/flu medicine too. If you can, please consider donating. Thank you and I hope you all are staying well! ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

We had the huge honor or going to Seven Oaks this morning, where they presented us with a check for $1606!! This, along with 239 lbs of food, was collected for us during the Battle of the Badges a week ago. The Ellettsville Police and Ellettsville Fire Department battled it out in a basketball game to raise the money and food. All had a great time, and we thank Seven Oaks, the fine Officers and Fire Fighters, and everyone who came and donated!! ... See MoreSee Less

We had the huge honor or going to Seven Oaks this morning, where they presented us with a check for $1606!!  This, along with 239 lbs of food, was collected for us during the Battle of the Badges a week ago.  The Ellettsville Police and Ellettsville Fire Department battled it out in a basketball game to raise the money and food.  All had a great time, and we thank Seven Oaks, the fine Officers and Fire Fighters, and everyone who came and donated!!Image attachment

6 CommentsComment on Facebook

Thank you very much! Greatly appreciated

Great news!

That is so awesome

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3 weeks ago

Sending a giant Thank you to the Reeves Club in Ellettsville for their generous donation we received in the mail today! During these uncertain and scary times, this is a beacon of hope! Our deepest appreciation. ... See MoreSee Less

Sending a giant Thank you to the Reeves Club in Ellettsville for their generous donation we received in the mail today!  During these uncertain and scary times, this is a beacon of hope!  Our deepest appreciation.

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Thank you!

3 weeks ago

Photos from Sandra J Johnson-Sutter's post ... See MoreSee Less

Image attachment

4 CommentsComment on Facebook

Is it still available

Oh my gosh! Yes! I do but I can’t get there in time 😩

I do but can't get there until tomorrow

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